This directory contains the results of the duplex manuscript. We have provided all the assemblies for HG002 along with validation (QV, hamming, chr assignment) for each. We have also provided links to public sources of the data. For completeness, we have also provided a local copy of all input HiFi and ONT (Duplex + UL) data used in the manuscript. along with trio information for HG002 and HiC + PoreC. The links below lead to original data sources while local file listings are the local copy of the data.

HiFi assemblies hifiasm*0.19.5 and verkko*1.3.1
HiC (files named *NovaSeq*)
ONT Duplex
ONT UL. Cells 1, 2, 3, for 30x UL, all cells for 70X UL.

Tomato assemblies and data:
PacBio HiFi

Maize assemblies and data: